Hello and Welcome!

Hi! I'd like to take a moment and welcome you to a brand new ham radio outlet I'm calling Ham On Site! I'm Dillon and my callsign is KG5BRM. I was first licensed in 2014 as a Technician, upgraded to General in 2015, and finally Amateur Extra in 2021. We'll get into the shack details and radios down the road, since I know that's something we can all spend a lot of time on! For now I'll just say that I enjoy trying all sorts of new and exciting things in the ham radio world. There's really so much that this hobby has to offer!

And I suppose that brings us to where we are now. I have been having so much fun with ham radio that I wanted to try and share some of that with the community and maybe even introduce the hobby to some folks along the way. So, what can you expect to see from me? Well, I've already got a ton of ideas kicking around for videos: digital modes, satellite communications, parks on the air, antennas, portable operations, equipment reviews, and anything else exciting you guys come up with for me as well. There are so many exciting things happening in amateur radio, so who knows what will end up coming up on the channel. I've also got some plans for some ham radio adjacent material, too, like 3D printing and RC quads and aircraft.

So, to wrap up, if any of that sparks your interest, or there's something you'd like to see get more coverage, or if you're just looking for a fun place to hang out and geek out on tech, please stick around and subscribe to my channel for some exciting content! I've got social media covered as well, and although you won't find much there yet, go ahead and follow Ham On Site on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to be in the loop on channel updates and feel free to drop some suggestions on video topics. Thanks for checking in and until next time, 73!